The Triforce is a set of three triangular artifacts consisting of the the Triforce of Power, the Triforce of Wisdom, and the Triforce of Courage. It possess the ability to grant the wish of whoever touches the assembled set, although in some cases additional steps may be required. It was made after the Golden Goddesses had finished creating the world at their point of departure.
When together, the three triangles can been seen to act in one of two ways. Either the three triangles will hover in the air while rotating on multiple axes, or they will come together to touch at their points to form a larger triangle with an inverted triangular gap in the middle. The latter is the bases of most triforce iconography. When arranged this way the triangles are often distinguished by the Triforce of Power being the topmost while the Triforce of Wisdom and the Triforce of Courage are on the left and right respectively.
When someone acquires one of the three artifacts it disappears, leaving a three-triangle mark on the hand. In certain situations, parts of the mark representing the pieces held will glow a yellow color.
On it's own, The Triforce of Power, has only been seen in the possession of Ganondorf.
The individual pieces have frequently been held by characters of the same name and role in the game's story, and the player.
When an individual makes contact with the three artifacts, the triangles may reject the user by disappearing and being 'acquired' by individuals of its choosing. If the artifacts are then brought together again, it will not reject the user, and will grant their wish as normal.
Apart from granting the wishes of those that touch it, it is suggested that each piece imparts magical abilities to whoever holds it.
Wish Granting
Whoever brings the three triangles together and touches the complete Triforce may be given the power to make their desire a reality. It has been noted that the Triforce cannot judge a good wish from an evil wish. The triforce may reject the one making a wish if they have an 'unbalanced heart' and then depart to be 'acquired' by individuals of its choosing. It is not clear how subtle this is for those obtaining their piece.
The triforce has appeared in the majority of games in the Zelda franchise.
Individual pieces have sometimes been broken into smaller parts, namely in The Hyrule Fantasy and in The Wind Waker.
Essence of the Triforce
In A Link to the Past, the Triforce was able to speak, introducing itself as The Essence of the Triforce.